Our 2017 SALA Exhibition has finally arrived

How Do We Love Thee? Let Us Count The Ways… KI – The Intertidal Zone
Kangaroo Island’s finest artists will be at the centre of our annual SALA exhibition at Adelaide’s National Wine Centre again from August 4 – 27, 2017.
The job of curating a stunning array of themed art inspired by the KI intertidal zone has already begun, and fearless curator Fleur Peters has a spark in her eye, and a spring in her step, as she works on bringing How Do We Love Thee?… to the Adelaide audience for the 8th year.
New media, new techniques, and an explosion of new inspiration are at the heart of every piece we’ve seen so far. Incredibly, the standard of work has raised again, and we can’t wait to share this spectacular view of Kangaroo Island with the world.
Over the years several of our most sought-after Kangaroo Island artists have been so inspired by the theme chosen for our National Wine Centre event, that they have continued to create original works in multiples. Listings of those works can be found among our artist profiles for Fred Peters, Janet Ayliffe, Jenny Clapson, and Quentin Chester.
SALA Festival Chair John Hill to open the event in 20th Anniversary year
South Australia’s Living Artists Festival, more commonly referred to as the SALA Festival turns 20 this year, and we are honoured to have Festival Chair John Hill joining us to officially open How Do We Love Thee? Let Us Count The Ways…KI – The Intertidal Zone at the National Wine Centre at 2pm on August 6th.
John shares his thoughts on the festival’s rich history, and Kangaroo Island artists contributions below:
Who knew when SALA started 20 years ago, with a festival held over just a few days, in a handful of galleries, with a handful of South Australian artists, that in 20 years it would become such a large and [visually] noisy presence on the festival calendar? This year promises to be the biggest ever involving thousands of artists and hundreds of ‘galleries’ in every part of our state and occupying the entire month of August.
Regardless of size the intention hasn’t changed – SALA provides an opportunity for SA’s artists to have their work seen, appreciated and purchased by other South Australians and increasingly visitors from further afield.
Congratulations to the Kangaroo Island artists who for the eighth year will be making their usual strong contribution at the national wine centre focussing on the theme of the ‘intertidal zone’ – a concept rich in visual and metaphorical ideas. I look forward very much to seeing what KI artists ‘do’ with this idea when I open their exhibition on August 6.
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