Work on Display at Kangaroo Island Airport Opening Exhibition
Fine Art Kangaroo Island is pleased to represent Deborah Sleeman, another of our exhibiting artists whose work was chosen for inclusion in the inaugural Kangaroo Island Airport Art Exhibition.

Deborah Sleeman describes her work in her own words
We are a small part of the whole. A lot of my sculptures amphormorphise other forms like birds and trees. To give them equal weight with humans. I use bones as a reminder of the commonality between all living things”
For some years I have been searching for gaps in which to create a dialogue between the intangible connections and commonalities of people and the natural world rather than our separation from it.
The materials are integral to the works. They have been chosen to convey timelines, place and the elemental. They are the ghosts of the places where they come from, referencing our inheritance of the colonial landscape and the attendant antagonism and imposition that have been necessary to create it.